Tern Society

Members of the Tern Society have expressed their commitment to Point Blue through a very special and important form of financial support.
These donors have named Point Blue, PRBO, or Point Reyes Bird Observatory as the beneficiary of a planned gift. Such gifts might include...
- a bequest in your will or living trust
- stock or other appreciated securities
- an IRA, pension or other retirement account (e.g. 401(k) or 403(b) plan) designation
- gifts of life insurance
Once you complete your estate plans, please fill out our member profile form to let us know. We would like to thank you for your generosity by including you in Point Blue's Tern Society.
Your Tern Society membership involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations, but it does allow us to thank you!
Membership Benefits
Benefits include:
- Invitation to the Annual Tern Society Lunch, exclusive trips and other special events led by Point Blue scientists,
- The knowledge and satisfaction that you are making a difference for birds, other wildlife and our communities in California and beyond by supporting one of the most highly-regarded applied conservation science organizations in the world!
Point Blue is honored to list those who notify us of their gift, whatever its form or size, in the Tern Society, either as a named or anonymous member. Your membership will inspire others to support Point Blue!
For more information about making a legacy gift to Point Blue, please Contact Us
Click here to review our annual report